22 Aug 2012

This Sadness Will Never End

It has been 7 years now,

Since you left everything has change,

It’s not like what you had imagine it would be,

I have grown bigger, taller, handsome, 

I still remember your smile, your laugh, your angry face,

Like it was just yesterday that I see you,

My childhood that I spent with you was best time of my life,

You’re the one that inspired me to become a better person,

Teach me to do the right things,

Encourage me to follow my dreams,

But, since you gone I become a quieter person,

Always keep everything I feel just for myself

Wondering if one day I become successful,

You are not here by my side to watch me and celebrate it with me,

Now, another Hari Raya without you is just another normal day for me,

No more celebration like it used to be,

I will forever missing you,

Thank you Moms...~

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